win32com, handling byref

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Sun Mar 25 17:59:54 EST 2001

Clark C. Evans wrote:

> I am trying to call the following function from an ActiveX 
> object.  It has a return value, plus three output parameters.
> Unfortunately, the type library doesn't mark the last three
> as "out", 

The type lib is clearly broken.  I would expect this control would also have problem with COM marshalling.

The best solution is clearly to fix the type lib.  This may not be possible tho :)

You are pretty much SOL with makepy as it stands - garbage in, garbage out :)

> Is this even remotely possible?  If not, is there a description
> of the low-level hoops that I could possibly jump through?

You will have to pass custom type-tuples to InvokeTypes().  This may be as simple as changing the sample makepy generated code you pased, changing the second integer in the OUT param tuples from 1 to 2 (win32com.PARAMFLAG_FOUT)


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