VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual

Arthur_Siegel at rsmi.com Arthur_Siegel at rsmi.com
Fri Mar 23 15:23:30 EST 2001

>I really want to build VPython from source myself, so that I can
>instrument and tweak the C code to check out some theories I've got
>about why it's hanging.  

Probably unrelated - but a VPython problem I had was solved by
turning off hardware acceleration on my display settings, which seems 
to have had the side effect of stopping a chronic
crashing problem I was having on my Windows2000 machine
totally unrelated to VPython - and driving me nuts. 

The same problem on a Linux machine would have been 
conclusive proof that it was not ready for real business 
critical desktop work.  But I doubt the issue would arise.

>If you've got a VC++ project file, I'd like
>to have that.  Is the VPython build process for Win32 documented

The source at:


has a VC++ project file.  Build was straightforward. Point to your own
Python20 includes and libs and shoot.

>This problem is getting in the way of my general goal:  creating
>interactive programs that allow the user to play with graphic
>representations of mathematical concepts.  I'm hoping to create some
>stuff that K-12 students will find compelling and will help develop
>useful intuition about math.

As you may know from my edu-sig ramblings I am doing something
similar with VPython, concentrating on geometric rather than number concepts.

I very much like your phrase "building intiution" - that is also what
I am trying to accomplish.  Unfortunately it is difficult to test for a
developed intuition - so the focus on that kind of approach is shortchanged, 


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