Collection interfaces

Randy A. Ynchausti mickeyz at
Sun Mar 4 01:00:52 EST 2001


> I don't dispute it's popularity, at least as a buzzword
> (actual decent usage of OO is even disputed by many
> OO fans.)

> You never know. Merit and proof is not even a prerequisite.

> It hurts one career to admit distaste for OO. I have a family to
> take care of.

Please implement code (from scratch) for the following:

Floating Point Numerical Precision
    default precision
    machine precision
    negative machine precision
    smallest number
    largest number
Solve Polynomials
Solve Error Function
Solve Gamma Function
Solve Beta Function
Bulirsch-Stoer interpolation algorithm
Newton interpolation algorithm
Spline interpolation algorithm
Langrange interpolation algorithm
Neville interpolation algorithm

Please keep track of the number of minutes you spend working on this.
Please keep track of the number of defects that you find and fix during your
work.  I mean, any thing that does not work the first time and be sure to
count each problem the compiler tells you about too.  Please keep track of
the number of statements of code you add, remove, and change during this
work.  If you supply me with these data and the code I will test the
accuracy of your solutions and compare your code with some OO code and post
my findings (as my spare time allows) for the entire newsgroup(s) to see.

<TongueInCheek>Oh... and a... no pair programming please!</TongueInCheek>


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