learning C

Chris Gonnerman chris.gonnerman at usa.net
Fri Mar 9 09:03:51 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Werner Schiendl" <ws-news at gmx.at>
Subject: Re: learning C
> The compiler vendors already did it on a lot of platforms.
> C++ will swallow C, because C is nearly a subset of C++.

The COMPILER swallows C, C++, and (in the case of the newer GCC) a bunch of
languages.  Fortran is in there, but you won't catch me using it.

> If you have a full cupboard of tools installed, what sense does it make to
> ignore 90% of it??

I forget who first quoted the famous bear, but I too am of "little brain".
doesn't mean I'm not a competent programmer, but only that the cost of
the "new tools" of C++ is just too high for the benefits I perceive.  I also
agree with the assertion that C is more predictable than C++; yeah, I know I
learn all the rules for performance etc. but that is exactly what I am

For OOP I choose Python.  For raw power and control I choose C.  If I need
I extend Python with C.  My Python extensions tend to be quite small; in
the Windows Conio (WConio) package that I wrote got smaller with each
as I removed code from the C extension and put it in the Python wrapper

> Why not have a look at all of it and use what's suited for the application
> best?

Like I said, been there, done that, couldn't afford the T-shirt.  Rewiring
brain for C++ is just too hard.  I'm glad that it works for you, and many
but there are also many like me that can't see why you are pushing so hard.
guess you just can't see our point of view, though I think I see yours just

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