Who's minister of propaganda this week?

Phlip phlip_cpp at my-deja.com
Wed Mar 14 09:08:54 EST 2001

Proclaimed Cameron Laird from the mountaintops:

> Sure; Bruce "Mr. Java" Eckel says Python's his favorite language.
> That was last week's news.  What would you think if the former
> editor of the *C++ report* gave his
>     prediction for this decade: Keep an
>     eye on languages like Python, Ruby,
>     and Smalltalk. They are likely to
>     become extremely important.

Robert C. Martin meant two things. A> If you write wall-to-wall unit tests 
when you code, if you use a typeless language you will add bullet-proof 
features faster than if you use a statically typed language, even though 
the former has less built-in error checking at type conversion time. The 
latter supports refactoring easier.

B> The full depth of behaviors we should expect from a typeless language 
have yet to be fathomed. Ruby trumps Python in the simple matter of 
closures (imagine my shock when I discovered Python didn't have them). But 
a language "like" those might win the decade.

> I heard you wiseacres in the back there, with the, "But Python
> and Smalltalk *already* are extremely important" comment.

Many pointy-haired bosses are unaware of the former, and think 
the latter is some academic curiosity. That's why selling Java (a 
statically typed language) to these bosses was so easy.

  Phlip                          phlip_cpp at my-deja.com
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