KeyBoardInterrupt error

Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Thu Mar 29 17:22:05 EST 2001

Headers indicate evolution, so Linux, right?

Jason "Straw." <jstraw at> writes:

> What can trigger a Keyboard Interrupt?

Receiving a SIGINT.  The terminal driver will send one of those if you
hit Ctrl-C (by default).

> I need Ctrl-C to be ignored and Ctrl-D to map to a function.

Two options for ignoring Ctrl-C: use termios to tuen off the ISIG
flag, along the lines of

import termios
import TERMIOS
n = termios.tcgetattr(0)
termios.tcsetattr(0, TERMIOS.TCSANOW, n)

but with some kind of error checking & stuff or use signal to ignore


Note that when you're playing around at the console that readline
tends to reset both of these, which is nice, and that both of these
will leave ^C in the input stream (it seems).

Ctrl-D just causes reads to abort early.  If you're using raw_input()
(a) don't, if you want this level of control (b) just catch EOFErrors
and restart your loop.

> gettting a single char at a time is a bad idea for my project

Eh?  How does this relate to the above?

If you're interested in line input, you *might* want to look at my
python line reader, which was tentatively dubbed "pyrl", but needs a
new name ("pyrl" is taken).  It's not really finished; find it at:

To test drive, unpack & go:

$ python

(requires Python 2).

I've almost got incremental history searching done on my hard drive,
but a few bugs and some additional commitments have stalled me...
Anybody interested in seeing more, or have a better name than


  I'll write on my monitor fifty times 'I must not post self-indulgent
  wibble nobody is interested in to just because I'm bored
  and I can't find the bug I'm supposed to fix'.
                                            -- Steve Kitson,

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