Python and SWIG - passing object pointer param to an embedded script.

Phlip phlip_cpp at
Wed Mar 28 15:26:04 EST 2001

Andrew Bonello wrote:

> PyDict_SetItemString( globals, "myobjptr", myobj);
> PyObject* obj = PyRun_File( fp, (char*)fn, 0, globals, locals );
> This just causes an access violation. (I am using Microsoft Visual C++
> V6.0 with Python V2.0, Debug build).

We ran with SWIG for a spell, and then I auditioned the Boost Python 
Library ( and never looked back.

For a way-cool example of reflection in native C++ without any extra 
parsers or mucking Boost rocks.

  Phlip                          phlip_cpp at
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