network configuring through a script

Francis Meyvis francis.meyvis at
Wed Jun 6 07:25:04 EDT 2001


I've W2k with ActiveState Py 2.1 on my notebook. Python provides some access
to COM things.
I'd like to have scripts that configure my notebook for networking at home,
at work, ...
This requires now going into the dialog for
- TCP/IP settings to change the IP address to use DHCP or use a fixed IP
   automatic DNS or fixed DNS server
- IE5 properties/connections to setup Dialup or LAN settings.
- the IE5 LAN settings allow further automatic settings and proxy server

Are these two also possible from within COM?
Or should one directly modify the registry?

Can someone point me to MSDN documentation on the inners of these
configuration dialogs?
I look in it but do not find anything usefull (could be that the MSDN I'v
access to is already to old).
Just some pointer would do ...
Kind regards,
francis meyvis

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