pair programming, vim?

Ng Pheng Siong ngps at
Sat Jun 16 12:12:19 EDT 2001

According to Courageous  <jkraska1 at>:
> >Did anyone try pair programming over the net? In particular, is
> it possible
> >to set up vim with a shared buffer or, failing that, some other editor?
> I believe that this isn't possible, although I could be mistaken. If you
> *do* happen to find a multi-user text editor (multiple cursors, perhaps)
> on windows, please let me know. This would be useful to have around.

I thought the idea of pair programming is that one person drives 
while the other, um, navigates. ;-) Not both editing at the same time. 

I've read that people have used VNC to do distributed pair programming.

(Same place that gives you omniORB.)

Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at> *

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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