weird behavior wrapping global functions into classes

Les Schaffer schaffer at
Thu Jun 14 12:28:14 EDT 2001

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:19:26 +0200, "Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at>

>Whenever a function is accessed as an attribute of a class or
           |___ python coded
>instance (and in the latter case, it's found in the class and
>not in the instance itself), it's transmuted into a method
>(unbound and bound, respectively).

<steam release>
  what the ?????!!!!!
</steam release>

how come the built-in open doesnt get transmuted but does? just
because its not "python-coded"???

anyway, here's how i will deal with this bit of nastiness in the future:

class NumStorage:

    def __init__(self):
        tup = (self.DB,)
        if self.mode:
            tup += (self.mode,)

        self.db = apply(self.dbops['open'], tup)

    def close(self):
class NumFlat(NumStorage):
    mode = 'w'
    DB = 'flat.txt'
    #silly hack 
    dbops = {'open': open}
    print 'in NumFlat class definition, dbopen = ', dbopen # ok
    def store(self, key, value):
        self.db.write(array2string(value, precision=8))

class NumShelf(NumStorage):
    mode = None
    DB = 'test.dbm'
    #silly hack
    dbops = {'open': shelf_open}
    print 'in NumShelf class definition, dbopen = ', dbopen # ok

    def store(self, key, value):
        self.db[key] = value

your Callable thingy looks okay, but if its that easy, some such thing
should be built right into Python so this issue is crystal clear and
upfront/outfront. i never asked for dbopen to be a class method, or so i
thought, yet i get hammered in an inconsistent way (built-in open: good,
python-coded bad).

anyway, .... thanks, alex....

les schaffer

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