Any other Python flaws?

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Fri Jun 15 13:25:20 EDT 2001

>>>>> "MH" == Michael Hudson <mwh at> writes:

    >> Another one is the fact that you can't mix try/finallys with
    >> try/excepts.

    MH> Isn't the usual argument about this one that it's not obvious
    MH> what gets executed when?

    MH> Eg. does

    | try:
    |     raise Exception
    | except Exception:
    |     pass
    | finally:
    |     print "hullo"

    MH> print "hullo"?  I guess so.  Still, the explicitness of what
    MH> you have to do now seems to me to be a win over the pain of
    MH> multiple indentations.

    MH> Cheers, M.  who has, on occasion, written functions that start
    MH> with three successive "try:"s...

Same here! ;)

Yup, I /know/ why the wart is there, but it still bugs me.

now-where's-my-bottle-of-compound-w-snakeoil?-ly y'rs,

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