Meta: PEP discussion (was Re: PEP 255: Simple Generators)

Tim Peters at
Mon Jun 25 03:42:13 EDT 2001

[Barry A. Warsaw]
> But once there's a serious move to include the code into CVS in a
> non-experimental way (as I gather is the case with the generators
> feature), I really think it the discussions have to be moved to
> python-dev at the very least.

[Greg Ewing]
> Not only that, but a decent amount of time needs to be
> allowed for discussion by people who haven't been following
> all the in-camera proceedings before Guido makes a Pronouncement.
> Two days is not enough!

Two days between what and what?  The PEP was posted widely on the 14th (to
all of,, the Iterators list, and Python-Dev); the
Pronouncement was on the 21st; Python generators have been discussed off and
on for 10 years; and all the arguments I ever saw had already been made on
the Iterators list before the PEP was first posted.  For that matter, they
were old in the early 90's already, at least to Guido. "Two days" doesn't
match any of that, although I won't exaggerate to "two decades" in return

We may be wonderful Python People, but this is still Usenet dynamics:
virtually all interesting points are brought out very quickly, and then
there's an eternity of repetition.  Luckily, since we *are* wonderful Python
People, we get to skip the flame-war part of it.

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