Re. PythonCard - was Re: Event-driven GUIs ...

Robin Dunn robin at
Wed Jun 20 00:12:16 EDT 2001

> What I imagine is this:
> A GUI library that is built for Python, that interacts well with the
> Python library and all the native type. This library would, for
> instance, expect to get a Python list whne is needed a list of items. It
> would be written in C++ (or maybe C). It would be platform independent.
> The strength in this approach is that the core library could just as
> easily be extended in either Python or C/C++. This way, the community
> could develop nice higher-level widgets and really expand the toolbox.
> It could be used from either C/C++ or Python. This way, one could
> develop a C/C++ app with an embedded python interpreter, and GUI code
> could be run from either language, the transition would be easy.
> Many of these features now exist in wxPython.

I'd say nearly all, but that's just my slightly biased opinion... <wink>

> That is why I am using it.
> However, wxPython is a thin wrapper around a C++ class library. This is
> a good thing because it allows common documentation and the wrappers can
> be produced with SWIG.

But arguably not a *Good Thing*.  Mainly it just reduces complexity enough
that one single ordinary human can develop, enahance, maintain, and find/fix
bugs in the package and still have time for a real job and a bit of a life.
SWIG doesn't generate the best code, but it means that there is around a
quarter of a million lines of code that I don't have to maintain and debug
by hand!

> It is a bad thing because you end up writing
> Python code that is not natural (pythonic), and a whole lot more verbose
> and complex than it needs to be.

Since I have a strong C++ background I look at the world with an intermixed
C++/Python view, so I often have a hard time seeing the "non-pythonic"
issues with wxPython but I know they are there.  I've addressed many of them
at the SWIG layer and there have been a few contributions for the
wxPython.lib package for some more pythonic things at the Python layer.
I'll accept all contributed code that makes things easier.

> It also suffers some from performance
> issues do to translating from Python lists to wxLists, generating
> wrappers around C++ objects, etc.

I've recently had some ideas and added items to my todo list that will
probably help out in this area, so I think this will become less of an issue
over time.  On the other hand, for a large majority of things wxPython is
used for it is fast enough already.

> I don't understand the details, but
> the issues are there. wxWindows and Python also share a lot of duplicate
> functionality: sockets, database access, process control, file system
> manipulations, etc. etc.

Much of which can be turned off when compiling wxWindows, but there probably
will always be some overlap with the current architecture.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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