a newbie question about gadfly

gbreed at cix.compulink.co.uk gbreed at cix.compulink.co.uk
Thu Jun 14 09:33:35 EDT 2001

In article <pn7fitoa7n6u47atng7tv0n9aroc1716ic at 4ax.com>, 
jm7potter at hotmail.com () wrote:

> Now, if you have the time and inclination --- could you 
explain why 
> your first code
> failed and the second worked? (I hate magic)
> And further, could you explain to a newbie why *my* code 

It looks like this was answered to your satisfaction overnight.

> >Oh, you have that?  I think the example right at the bottom 
> >p.257 should do what you want.  In your case
> >
> >insertstat = "insert into students (name, grade) values (?, 
> >cursor.execute(insertstat, (namex, gradex))
> >
> This does not work. I tried it before asking here on this ng.
> In fact, your suggestion is the very code I tried. I am at a 
loss as to 
> why it does
> not work in Python. It shows that I am missing some big deal 
in my 
> understanding of
> the language. Some major flaw in my understanding.

Are you sure you tried it exactly as written?  It may be a 
Gadfly bug, I doubt it's a language issue.

> Yes, I see how this would work --- I did not even need to try 
> But, this is not what was used on page 257.

This is how you'd do it that way, exactly as it worked for me 
except I used a multiline string to correct for wordwrap:

>>> from gadfly import gadfly
>>> connection = gadfly('test','dbtest')
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> insertstat = "insert into Frequents" \
          "(perweek, bar, drinker) values(?,?,?)"
>>> perweek=35
>>> bar='guidos'
>>> drinker='tim'
>>> cursor.execute(insertstat, (perweek, bar, drinker))
>>> cursor.execute('select * from Frequents')
>>> print cursor.pp()
1       | lolas    | adam
3       | cheers   | woody
5       | cheers   | sam
3       | cheers   | norm
2       | joes     | wilt
1       | joes     | norm
6       | lolas    | lola
2       | lolas    | norm
3       | lolas    | woody
0       | frankies | pierre
1       | pans     | peter
35      | guidos   | tim

> I learned C about 15 years ago. I learned to use the language 
with very 
> simple i/o
> --- and later explained to more sophisticated GUI interfaces.
> Some of us old guys may need to do the same with Python.

Hmm, it must be over 15 years ago I learned Basic.  Funnily 
enough, I've never used raw_input that I can remember, over the 
year or so I've been playing with Python.  I use the interpreter 
interactively for that very simple I/O.  It's one of the things 
I really like about Python.


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