gadfly cgi update

grakker grakker at
Sun Jun 24 16:23:42 EDT 2001

I'm trying out my first python program this weekend.  I have a
calendar, which when you click on the day, it opens a window which
lets you edit information about that day.  The submit calls a script
which should update the database.  But it doesn't.  It just stops at
the line.  Here is the code in question (place here the customary
appologies for ugly code):

print form_custody_value,
print form_month_value,
print form_day_value,
print form_year_value
print "'%s'" % form_custody_value
print "'%s'" % form_notes_value

db_update = "\"update custody set cstdy='%s', notes='%s' where \ 
     mnthdt=%d and dydt=%d and yrdt=%d\"" % (form_custody_value, \ 
     form_notes_value, form_month_value, form_day_value, \
print db_update

print "updated"

I have all the print statements in there so that I could see what was
going on.  Here is the output:

Lang 7 8 2001
"update custody set cstdy='Lang', notes='Birthday' where mnthdt=7 and
dydt=8 and yrdt=2001"

This works from the python command line, and very similiar select
statements work on my other pages.  Any help would be appreciated.


BTW  Python is pretty sweet if I'm able to get as close as I have in
one weekend of coding...

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