Check out O'Reilly's Open Source Convention Highlights

Guido van Rossum guido at
Tue Jun 26 20:36:54 EDT 2001

I promise this is a one-time ad!  Check out the Python track:

and the Python tutorials:

Hope to see you there,

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

June 27, 2001

Early-Bird Discount Extended through July 2, 2001

"Open Standards let you achieve a level of global acceptance that's
impossible for one person promoting a proprietary standard." -Michael
Tiemann, CTO, Red Hat

Sebastopol, CA--Due to increased web traffic, O'Reilly
& Associates announced today that the early bird discounted
registration for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention and Perl
Conference 5 is extended through July 2, 2001. Go to to register for the O'Reilly Open Source
Convention and Perl Conference 5, July 23-27, 2001, at the waterfront
Sheraton Hotel and Marina in San Diego, California.

Register for a press pass at

Convention Highlights:
--This year's Convention offers over 250 sessions in 16 tracks
including Perl, Apache, XML, Python, PHP, MySQL, Linux, to name a few.
If you're a hard-core system administrator, programmer, or Web
developer, this is the place to be.

--Don't miss Thursday's keynote.
Tim O'Reilly, Craig Mundie and Michael Tiemann squaring off in a debate
over open source vs. shared source software. Tim predicts, " It's going
to be fabulous to have Craig Mundie and Mike Tiemann going head to
head, with a hard hitting panel afterwards and juicy questions from the

--What Would You Ask Craig Mundie? 
Here's your chance to put your questions to him. Go to:

---Read Tim O'Reilly's reasons why open source is here to stay. 

--Preview the O'Reilly XTech 2001 Conference on XML. 
Conference chair Edd Dumbill checks out the line-up at O'Reilly's XTech
2001 Conference, details aspects of the Full Cutting Edge XML Program,
and declares it "the essential meeting for XML developers."

--For a complete list of this year's speakers, see:

The O'Reilly Open Source Convention and Perl Conference 5 promises to
be fun, as well.  
--Attend a special screening of an open source film--Revolution OS--a
documentary that chronicles the open source movement. The filmmaker,
J.T.S. Moore, will be on hand for a pre-and post-screening discussion.

--Join Chris DiBona of VA Linux and Rob Malda, ("CmdrTaco") of
Slashdot, and play the Internet Quiz Show. Will the "The Defending
Champions," (TDC) as their name suggests, repeat? Or will one of the
new teams rise to glory?

"TDC" were the winning team last year and return to battle their former
opponents, "The President's Dog," an entirely British team who lost the
championship last year to the American team "TDC", due to the cultural
bias of the final quiz question. (That question was: President Clinton
recently signed a bill that allows for electronic signatures to be as
valid as conventional paper signatures. To sign the bill, he used a
magnetic card and his personal password.  The commander in chief of the
armed forces of the United States of America and leader of the free
world used a plain five-letter word, all in lower case, and it was the
name of his dog. For all twenty points, guess the president's password.
Answer: BUDDY). Their well-humored indignation over the question's
unfairness is what led to them calling themselves "The President's

For a detailed list of Convention events, go to:

For answers to any questions you may have, contact Cammie Noah (707)
829-0515 ext 437 or cammie at

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