RPC Server Unavailable

Matthew Turk m-turk at nwu.edu
Sat Jun 9 23:58:29 EDT 2001

Hi there.  I was wondering if somebody could help me out -- I'm doing
some dispatching in win32com (with Mark H's extension, god bless the
man!) but I'm having some problems.  Is there a generic method I can
call to test if the application is still active?

For instance - I call a Word Dispatch.  I open a document, then make
it visible.  The user does whatever, then closes either the document
or the application - either way, it returns to the python app.  At
that point, how can I tell if the user minimized, closed, or what, the
application?  I'll be doing the same thign with Excel, and up until
now I've had good luck with a DispatchDict I experimented with, but
Word seems to complicate the matter, as does closing an Excel

Anyway, the error I get is "RPC Server Unavailable."  And a summary of
my question - how can I tell if a dispatch, stuck in a variable, is
still active?


"Having said that, music is supposed to be
 in the world for celebration, ritual, and
 healing - that's the point for me."
		-- Trey Anastasio

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