
Alan Daniels daniels at
Tue Jun 5 22:45:00 EDT 2001

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:55:57 -0700, Humanity let out a collective sigh
of relief when Jonathan Gardner <gardner at> finally typed:

>What is the reason that python doesn't have increment or decrement 

Integers in python are immutable (same as strings, floats, tuples,
etc). That is, they're objects that cannot have their contents changed
once they are created. In other words, having a ++ or -- operator
doesn't make any sense since integers can't be changed in place. When
you say "x = x + 1", you're really creating a new integer object and
assigning over the old one.

I believe the new "x += 1" syntax is just synactic sugar which serves
as shorthand for "x = x + 1", although I'd have to delve through the
interpreter source code to be 100% sure.

(This question comes up often enough... I wonder if it should be in
the FAQ?)
Alan Daniels
daniels at alandaniels dot com

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