the indentaion for grouping thing

Tim Peters at
Fri Jun 22 21:42:57 EDT 2001

> Someone quoted Guido as saying (I'm paraphrasing) that he
> is determined to be ignorant of any discussion regarding the white
> space for grouping thing. How sad. How crusty. How typical.

He does ignore them *now*, yes.  Do you imagine you have an argument he
hasn't heard repeatedly in 10+ years of this?  I don't, but am willing to be
astonished <wink>.

> Anyway, I will continue to use Python I guess, but I gather that
> someone has written a preprocessor that allows you to use delimiters
> with python.  Is this true?  If so, where can I find it, I would
> like to use it.

Tools/scripts/  At the time Guido wrote that, he announced it was
his last word on the topic.

kept-his-word-too<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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