Loading select queries into objects

Graham Ashton graham at coms.com
Tue Jun 19 19:50:14 EDT 2001

In article <wGpX6.75343$r4.827948 at e420r-atl3.usenetserver.com>, "Steve
Holden" <sholden at holdenweb.com> wrote:

> From http://www.lyra.org/greg/python/:
> """dtuple.py
> This module wraps up return tuples from the fetch* methods in the Python
> Database API. Using this class, the return tuples can be treated as
> tuples, dictionaries, or objects with attributes corresponding to the
> column names.

Thanks for that - very interesting link. I've been playing with dtuple a
bit and have managed to get it to work fine by ripping off the standard
example. Here's what I've got:

  rows = cursor.fetchone()
  tdesc = dtuple.TupleDescriptor(cursor.description)
  rows = dtuple.DatabaseTuple(tdesc, rows)

  dict = rows.asMapping()
  print dict

It works great. When it prints things out they look like this:

  {'col1': 234, 'col2': 'foo', 'some_col': 9473.0}

No, my question would be how would I take the above dictionary and convert
it into calls to a col1(), col2() and some_col() methods (in the current
class). I've tried the following and am completely fathomed as to why the
second parameter (i.e. the value of dict['key']) doesn't get passed to the
method that I'm calling.

  for key in dict.keys():
      code = "apply(self.%s(), (self, dict['%s']))" % (key, key)
      print code

The code printed looks like this:

  apply(self.col1(), (self, dict['col1']))

The only problem is that when it's evaluated the self.col1() method
doesn't get passed the value of dict['col1'], though self.col1() is
called. Is there something I don't know about eval()? I've read up on it
but don't see anything relevant...

Should eval() do the trick here?


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