Another Wart! string.find() [ was: namespace issue? ]

Steven D. Majewski sdm7g at Virginia.EDU
Thu Jun 21 18:48:31 EDT 2001

On 21 Jun 2001, Michael Powe wrote:

> So now the question is, 'why'?  Am I misusing the string.find()
> function? Okay, string.find() returns -1 when the string is not found,
> which would seem to be what I expected, a false result.  Maybe python
> doesn't treat -1 as false?  Well, I'll try being explicit and testing
> for -1 return.  I probably have just confused myself hopelessly.

You got it!

  0, 0.0, "", [], (), and None, as well as classes that return 0 from
	methods __nonzero__ or __len__  are false.

  everything else (unless I missed one ;-) is true. 

  -1 is true. 

  But find can't return 0 because it is a valid offset that signifies the
  beginning of a string, so it returns -1. 

  Maybe this should be considered another "Python Wart" : the thing is
  that all of the early Python programmers were well used to this sort
  of exception in the standard C libraries: zero is an error return 
  everywhere except where it would be inconvenient, then use negative 
  numbers as error codes. 

  It probably *ought* to return None for not found:
     "string"[None] yields an exception:
	    "TypeError: sequence index must be integer"
      while "string"[-1] returns "g"
   so a coding error is likely to slip thru without an exception.    

  This is an illogical convention, however it would be very difficult
  to root out, because, as you have noted, everyones code is FULL 
  of explicit checks that string.find does not return -1. 

  I'ld love to see it fixed, however, I suspect that in this case, 
  many lines of installed code trumps Computer Programming for Everybody! 

 -- Steve Majewski

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