wxCombobox question

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at seth.lpthe.jussieu.fr
Wed Jun 13 15:20:17 EDT 2001

[f2 comp.soft-sys.wxwindows as this doesn't have much to do with Python]

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 17:11:26 -0700, Alexander V. Voinov <avv at quasar.ipa.nw.ru> wrote:
>Is it possible in wxPython/wxWindows to tell if the drop-down list
>really _dropped_ down (i.e. visible to the user) or not?

 No, I don't think so. You're right, we should really process CBN_DROPDOWN and
generate the appropriate event for it - it may be quite useful. The trouble is
that I don't know how to do it with GTK+ and looking at the code it doesn't
seem to generate any signals when it pops down the list.

 OTOH, GTK+ combobox is so brain dead that it will probably be replaced with a
generic (i.e. written in wxWin itself) version which is already written and is
waiting to be merged into the main wxWin branch and for which it will be
trivial to generate such event. But, of course, this won't happen before

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