PEP 260: simplify xrange()

Grant Griffin not.this at
Wed Jun 27 23:17:02 EDT 2001

Sorry to come in on this so late...

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Abstract
>     This PEP proposes to strip the xrange() object from some rarely
>     used behavior like x[i:j] and x*n.

I like it, but I can think of two questions that might be answered
within the PEP.

1) What is the effect on speed?  Presumably speed will increase (or at
least stay the same), but, heck--who knows?

2) How do the functions from xrange relate--semantically speaking--to
the functions of "xreadlines()"?  It seems to me that the two should
have a similar "user interface" because they work about the same way,
and solve similar problems.

thus-the-'x'---whatever-*that*-means-<wink>-ly y'rs,


Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation  

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