Managing Python sources in CVS & whitespace

Ville Vainio vvainio at
Mon Jun 25 01:37:20 EDT 2001

Chris Barker <chrishbarker at> writes:

> > Are there any issues with Python sources and CVS (I'm thinking of the
> > whitespace thing here)? Do the diffs or merging branches get screwed
> > up? Are there any special considerations?
> No. Why would there be? CVS handles any text file format just fine.

I was mainly thinking of how CVS notices & merges differences between
files. It may have been possible that it might have been too smart for
it's own good and somehow "ignored" non-quoted whitespace as a thing
that constitutes a "difference" (which is a valid strategy for most
programming languages, anyway), which would obviously have broken it
for python. Anyway, I'm glad to know it doesn't do this (and that
there are no special options to tweak).

Ville Vainio - - ICQ #115524762
 Wild geese have no intention to cast a reflection
 Water has no mind to assume their form

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