The Selecting package - 0.85

Panu A Kalliokoski pkalliok at
Fri Jun 1 08:47:15 EDT 2001

Hello all, I've been reading your interests in the issue over select() 
management. Especially, I took the time to write a routine for building 
outgoing connect()ing select channels for SelectManager. They're available 
in the current version of selecting, which is at		and

I've inspected the TKinter mainloop() case a little and reached the
conclusion that the only way to write your own mainloop is to write code
that calls tkinter.update() periodically. This is easily achieved in
selecting by putting into the event queue a permanent event (every half
seconds or so) of calling tkinter.update(). No need for TKSelectManager,
that way.

The "proper" way to handle select() with TKinter would be to somehow get
TKinter to tell the file handles it uses to communicate with X. Is there
any way to do this?

Panu Kalliokoski

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