Stop/Start Service in Win2k

Robin Siebler rsiebler at
Thu Jun 21 19:05:31 EDT 2001

I got a script off the ActiveState site that will stop and start a service
(the script is at the bottom of this post) .  It works fine on NT4 and it
works for some services on Win2k, but for most services, I get the below

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "c:\python21\scripts\", line 37, in service_info
    if win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(service, machine)[1] == 4:
  File "c:\python21\win32\lib\", line 359, in
    hs = win32service.OpenService(hscm, serviceName,
api_error: (1060, 'OpenService', 'The specified service does not exist as an
installed service.')

Could someone tell me why this happens and how to fix it?


import win32serviceutil

def service_info(action, machine, service):
    if action == 'stop':
        win32serviceutil.StopService(service, machine)
        print '%s stopped successfully' % service
    elif action == 'start':
        win32serviceutil.StartService(service, machine)
        print '%s started successfully' % service
    elif action == 'restart':
        win32serviceutil.RestartService(service, machine)
        print '%s restarted successfully' % service
    elif action == 'status':
        if win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(service, machine)[1] == 4:
            print "%s is running normally" % service
            print "%s is *not* running" % service

if __name__ == '__main__':
    machine = 'cr582427-a'
    service = 'Zope23'
    action = 'start'
    service_info(action, machine, service)

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