floating point in 2.0

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Sat Jun 9 23:43:48 EDT 2001

>> For most Python users, I expect decimal f.p. with user-settable
>> precision is going to be much easier to use.

[Bengt Richter]
> Perhaps too easy? ;-) I am not sure "user-settable precision" will be
> clear enough a concept for most. Will they understand exactly what is
> guaranteed by a given setting? Will you be able to explain it to them?
> ...
> [followed by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... at least 8 similarly open-ended
>  questions]

The working model for decimal f.p. (which Aahz is implementing) is IBM's
Decimal Arithmetic Proposal, at


It's been used successfully in REXX for close to 20 years, so it's not that
big a gamble.

Brief replies to selected questions:

> ...
> Should interval arithmetic be used to track the bounds of possible
> errors through computation, and an optional exception be thrown if
> output formatting demands more figures than are accurately available?
> Or if an intermediate result becomes too imprecise?

No, interval arithmetic is an expert's tool; the error bounds mushroom out
of usefulness in a non-expert's hands.

> How many appreciate the difference between probable errors in data
> itself and errors in representation of data, and how the two are
> transformed and intertwingled in algorithms?

Among newbies, virtually none.

> Would (value,tolerance) be a more intuitive way to specify precision
> (indirectly) than decimal precision in some cases?

Sure, but not for newbies.  Among experts, some will want tolerance to be in
a +- absolute value sense, some in a +- relative error sense, others in a
standard deviation sense.  The goal of decimal f.p. is to make life easier
for newbies -- experts can go fight with each other and leave the newbies in
peace <wink>.

> Perhaps it would be useful to look at the problem in terms of actual
> assertions one might like to be able to write concerning values and
> their representations? E.g., something that says that printing
> "10.0" after computing the sum of 100 ".100" values is (barely) ok,
> but warns you that "10.0000" is illusory.

IBM's proposal incorporates a notion of "significant" trailing zeroes, in a
related sense.

> BTW, I had another little idea ;-) tying this into formatting of
> objects: If class Quantity defined __str__ with an optional second
> argument, then the % operator could pass the relevant slice of the
> format string along with the object's "self" to the __str__ method
> and you'd have open-ended formatting capability. E.g.,
> 	"%20.3.7s" % ( x,)
> would make the effective call
> 	x.__str__('20.3.7')
> to get the formatted representation. This example might be radix-7
> printed 20 wide with 3 septimals(?). Or it could be 20 wide with
> 3 decimals verifying 7-digit precision of the representation. Or
> anything you might like to encode between the '%' and 's'.

We're losing focus here, Bengt <wink>.  May be an interesting PEP here, if
you're motivated enough to pursue it!

> If you wanted to be able to pass about any control string, you
> could allow a quoting delimiter like "%'special stuff's ..."
> or maybe bracketing delimiters: "%[special stuff]s ..." etc.
> (Please excuse if I am re-inventing a Python wheel. This seems
> like one of those things you might already have done in some
> form to handle formatting).

No, on the few occassions I've seen "stuff like this" done, people use a
plain %s format code and give explicitly-called format methods to their
objects; e.g.,

    "%s" % x.format(20, 3, 7)


    "%20.3.7s" % x

Especially when format parameters can vary dynamically, it's more convenient
and clearer to have a call-form than to paste together a format control
string at runtime.  For example,

>>> from Rational import Rat, Format
>>> x = Rat.Rat("1/7")
>>> print x.str(base=7)
>>> print x.str(base=7, mode=Format.FIXED, prec=3)
>>> print x.str(base=10, mode=Format.FIXED, prec=40)
>>> print x.str(base=32, mode=Format.FIXED, prec=10)
>>> print x.str(base=32, mode=Format.FIXED, prec=10, use_letters=0)

Etc.  There are other possible keyword arguments not shown above, and it
would be take me a year just to *define* a control-string format I could
remember how to use <wink>.  Packaging common combinations for easy reuse
can be done in different ways; e.g., continuing the last example,

>>> f = Format.Format(base=32, mode=Format.FIXED, prec=10, use_letters=0)
>>> print x.str(f)

like-regexps-%-is-most-satisfying-in-simple-cases-ly y'rs  - tim

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