Tkinter problem in sizing a frame

Joe Potter jm7potter at
Fri Jun 29 20:58:58 EDT 2001

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 20:00:48 GMT, matt at (Matthew Dixon Cowles) wrote:

>On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:04:45 -0400, Joe Potter <jm7potter at>
>>In the following code (adopted from "Python and Tkinter Programming")
>>I find that I can set the minimum size for the root widget. However,
>>I can not seem to tell Tk that I want two sub-frames each of which I
>>want to take up half the parent frame.  All I get is two sub-frames
>>that take up as much room as need to display the label in each.
>You were very close. The problem was the fill and expand are options
>to the packer, not the widgets themselves. (I don't know why the
>widgets don't complain that they don't understand those options.)  I
>think this will do what you want:
>from Tkinter import *
>root = Tk()
>root.title('Frame Size')
># Dont really need this frame f = Frame(root)
>xf = Frame(root, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=5)
>jf = Frame(root, relief=GROOVE, borderwidth=5)
>Label(xf, text="You shot him!").pack(side=LEFT, pady=10)
>Label(jf, text='heck if I know !??').pack(side=LEFT, padx=10)


Thanks for the help --- that was the ticket. I did read the fine manual, but I missed
that part!

Regards, Joe

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