WHY is python slow?

David LeBlanc whisper at oz.nospamnet
Tue Jun 12 13:42:52 EDT 2001

In article <slrn9i3007.2a7v.kamikaze at kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu>, 
kamikaze at kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu says...
> Fri, 8 Jun 2001 22:42:02 +0100 in
> <Pine.SOL.4.30.0106082239240.6291-100000 at mimosa.csv.warwick.ac.uk>,
> John J. Lee <phrxy at csv.warwick.ac.uk> spake:
> > *Are* there any good (as opposed to 'good enough') operating systems in
> > existence?
> > Completely off-topic, I know: just ignore me...
>   No.  It's been proven that all operating systems suck, all languages
> suck, all software sucks, and all hardware sucks.

Does this mean that all programmers are suckers? Of course, it's well 
known that all sys admins suck ;-)

>   There are degrees of suckiness for any particular purpose, but none
> are sans suckage.

Programmers will be the first to tell you that they don't suck, their 
programs don't suck, anything they like or approve of doesn't suck and 
anything that you like that they don't implies that you suck and more 
then likely also abuse small furry animals as well. Most programmers will 
further state that they're sans suckage since they rarely get any ;-)

>   Once people learn to accept this and abandon their unrealistic beliefs
> in *good* software or hardware, they become much more content.

Castration works quite well for this too and saves heaps of money spent 
in persuit of the unobtainable. It also removes the regret one 
experiences from having sat in front of the computer for 80 hours a week 
for the last 5 years instead of going in pursuit of the unobtainable. Of 
course, if one does manage to attract the unobtainable, one will end up 
poor, grumpy and only really happy if one spends 80 hours per week in 
front of the computer to avoid the bi... errr.. lovely person who shares 
your pocketbook. ;-)

Tongue firmly in cheek (yes MY cheek ya perv! ;-)),

Dave LeBlanc

P.S. In our next installment, we'll discuss the implications inherent in 
programmers who like to play with their Python. ;-)

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