Zope and PHP Nuke

Matthew Hawkins matthew at topic.com.au
Wed Jun 27 21:17:04 EDT 2001

In article <9guphk$5in$1 at news.netpower.no>, "David Brown"
<dav-nospam-id at westco-nospam-ntrol.com> wrote:
> I have been looking around some websites, and have come across Zope and
> PHP Nuke.  As far as I can see, both systems provide a basis for a
> complex website including discussion forums and the like.  Would it be
> fair to say they cover similar uses, or are there major differences?

PHP Nuke seems to be directed exclusively at providing a discussion forum
similar to web sites like Slashdot (http://slashdot.org/).  Zope is a
much more general application foundation for providing a browser based
interface to a backend whatever.  This is probably why it is more
demanding than PHP Nuke, it's far more feature-rich.

While you can probably find Zope applications to do what you want,
there's plenty more that already exist such as DCL
(http://dcl.sourceforge.net/) and Keystone (http://keystone.whitepj.net/)
that, if issue tracking etc. is all you're after, will do quite nicely.


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