Embedded 'C' problem?

Samuel Schulenburg samschul at pacbell.net
Sat Jun 2 03:09:22 EDT 2001

Given the following string:
EB70:|30 E8 8A 17  00 00 66 89  04 9F 83 C4  08 43 3B 5C   

and using the following 'C' wsprintf() function to build ucPyString
causes a print format error.

wsprintf(ucPyString,"print \"\"\"%s\"\"\"",ucMsgStr);


  File "<string>", line 1
print """EB70:|30 E8 8A 17  00 00 66 89  04 9F 83 C4  08 43 3B 5C
SyntaxError: invalid token

The problem is final "\" in the origional string is interfering with
the final tripple quote forming a \""" which is interprited as an
escape sequence.

My question is. How can I generate a format specifier so I can have a
ucMsgStr that contains any printable characters, and does not interfer
with the Python print function?

Sam Schulenburg

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