How do I serve an image from a python script?

gbreed at gbreed at
Fri Jun 8 05:43:53 EDT 2001

In article <3B2039DB.8884C4B4 at>, haaserd at (haaserd) 

> Hi,
> I am trying to serve an image from a Python script using Apache under
> Windows.  My simple HTML statement:
>     <img src=""  alt="a picture">
> ...and my simple script:
> #!c:/Python20/python.exe
> import sys
> def pix():
>     n = 'c:/My Pictures/Sample.jpg'
>     p = open(n,'rb')
>     apix =
>     p.close()
>     sys.stdout.write("content-type: image/jpeg\n\n")
>     sys.stdout.write(apix)
>     sys.stdout.flush()
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     pix()

I've found this script to work on IIS:

import cgi
import sys, os
input = open(r'absolute.filename.gif','rb')
output = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb')
output.write('Content-Type: image/gif\r\n\r\n')
# don't close stdout!

The only important difference with yours is that I'm using \r\n instead of 
\n.  I think that os.fdopen stuff is wank, but worth a try if all else 

> As you can see I am ignoring the CGI fields for the moment and am just 
> trying
> to serve up an image.  Through debugging statements that I have 
> removed, I
> know the program crashes on the statement
>     sys.stdout.write(apix)
> if the picture is over 200,000 bytes.

That's above what I was testing with, hope it isn't too big a problem.  
Perhaps writing out the file in chunks will fix it.

> On small images (10k), the script runs to completion, but no image 
> appears.
> What am I doing wrong?

When you say no image appears, does that mean nothing's being sent from 
the server?  You can test this by changing the MIME type to text/plain 
(and perhaps not using IE) so you'll see some garbage appear if it's 

Anyway, I expect what you're doing wrong is not setting binary output.  
That would correlate with your not using the correct line termination 
characters.  So add a -u to the command line, however that's specified.  
If it's that magic line at the top of the file, make it

#!c:/Python20/python.exe -u


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