Can I list the functions inside a module

Volucris volucris at
Sat Jun 30 17:00:25 EDT 2001

I would guess that dir() and callable() would be availbale in Pippy.

# This will list everything(almost) in ConfigParser and whether it's
# Note that while funtions are callable, so are classes and instances with a
# __call__ method.

import ConfigParser

los = dir(ConfigParser)

for object in los:
    if callable(eval('ConfigParser.%s' % object)):
        print '%s is callable.'  % object
        print 'You can\'t call %s' % object

Now I suppose you just hope that those modules have good docstrings. ;)

Volucris (a)
"Eu não falo uma única palavra do português."

"Calvin Fong" <ee_fhw at> wrote in message
news:3B3DFF55.2030701 at
> Greetings,
> I'm running Piggy 0.7 on my palm m100. Piggy is a python interperter for
> palm OS. As there is some platform specific modules for it, I want to
> know what function do they contain. Please, can anyone teach me how to
> show the function inside a modules.
> By the way, in case you have the passion to help me. Can you please send
> the solution to my email, because I don't have a very good internet
> connection for reading news
> Yours
> Calvin
> The Matrix is out there

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