PEP0238 lament

Skip Montanaro skip at
Mon Jul 23 16:47:05 EDT 2001

    Tim> [Skip Montanaro]
    >> I'm not a denizen of the edu-sig list, but Guido has mentioned the
    >> Alice folks (I think they are the ancestors of the VPython folks)
    >> before as a significant influence on his ideas about this subject.
    >> Perhaps you would class them as educators and not numeric people, but
    >> I would throw them in the numeric camp.

    Tim> Does it make one whit of difference to anything here?  If so, I
    Tim> read Matt Conway's doctoral dissertation when this issue was still
    Tim> new, and it's far more about pedagogy than numerics in Alice.

The response was to your statement:

    Tim> Indeed, nobody with a keen interest in numerics has bugged Guido
    Tim> about this except Moshe, that I know of; the most visible repeated
    Tim> pressures have come from educators using Python as a means to some
    Tim> other end.

Perhaps I was wrong about some of Guido's influences in this area.  Anyone
doing 3D computer graphics whether in the context of engineering, computer
art or education has, in my mind, a keen interest in numerics in the sense
of "numerical analysis".  They are going to do a lot of floating point math
and much less integer math.

Skip Montanaro (skip at

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