Can anyone offer a suggestion?

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu Jul 12 13:50:39 EDT 2001

In article <9ikgpq$j1cff$1 at>, Emile van Sebille wrote:
>I've been writing a business math class that allows for multiple precision
>accuracy, and in testing stumbled on this behavior:
>>>> from BNum import BNum as bn
>>>> ab = bn('1.2340000')
>>>> cb = bn('123.45')
>>>> ab
>>>> ab * cb
>>>> (ab*cb).disp(2)
>>>> print '%8.2f' % ab*cb

Eh??  Shouldn't give an error:

'%8.2f' % ab*cb  ==>  ('%8.2f' % ab) * cb
                 ==>   'some string' * cb
if cb is a float, you should get an error like this:

>>> print "%8.2f" % 3.4*5.5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  ... If I had heart
                                  at               failure right now,
                                 I couldn't be a more
                                                   fortunate man!!

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