Language change and code breaks

Grant Edwards grante at
Fri Jul 27 12:36:43 EDT 2001

In article <A%287.1144$oc6.134253 at>, Steve Holden wrote:
>[posted & mailed]
>"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote ...
>> But never mind, I'm giving up on making *Python*
>> case-insensitive. The hostility of the user community is
>> frightening.
>I find this a saddening remark. Perhaps the vehemence of some
>of the reactions is an indication of how much users value your

People only get upset about something if they care about it.
The more you care about something, the easier it is to get
upset.  Then Usenet just magnifies the whole thing.  Hopefully
c.l.p will return to it's previous, freakishly nice, mood.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I want to dress you
                                  at               up as TALLULAH BANKHEAD and
                                 cover you with VASELINE and
                                                   WHEAT THINS...

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