Comment on PEP-0238

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Jul 12 06:00:56 EDT 2001

In article <9iirju$j9rjr$1 at>, Emile van Sebille
<emile at> writes
>I've written a module that takes a few steps in the direction I'd like to
>see things go, but even if that's not in the cards I'll probably use it
>anyway.  It works like Tim's FixedPoint, but uses precision in a slightly
>different way.  When run as __main__, it imports FixedPoint to compare
>results as it tests.  Overall, this feels more like what I had in mind.
>Anyway, a sample session follows.  If anyone is interested in testing/using
>this, e-mail me and I'll send you back a copy.
>Emile van Sebille
>emile at

how do these global class attributes work with threads? a lot of people
are asking me about Zope (vis a vis reportlab) I keep telling them that
reportlab isn't thread safe. I had imagined just packaging up all the
module globals in some way and making things thread safe with a few
locks.  Now I see that BNum.PRECISION is affecting all instances of the
class, perhaps including someone else's thread so can BNum and similar
be used in a real multithreaded environment like Zope?

>>>> import BNum
>>>> bn = Bnum.Bnum
>>>> a = bn(1.111)
>>>> a
>>>> BNum.PRECISION = 6
>>>> a = bn(1.111)
>>>> a
>>>> a * a * a * a
>>>> b = 1.111
>>>> b ** 4
>>>> BNum.PRECISION = 12
>>>> a * a * a * a
>>>> BNum.PRECISION = 18
>>>> a * a * a * a
>>>> a / 1.234
>>>> a -.346
>>>> a
>>>> a - 1.23456
>>>> a - 1.234567890
>>>> a - 1.234567890123456789
>>>> a - '1.234567890123456789'
>TypeError: object can't be converted to long
>>>> a - bn('1.234567890123456789')

Robin Becker

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