problem with sending email

piet at piet at
Mon Jul 2 05:30:28 EDT 2001

>>>>> Haris Lekatsas <nospam at> (HL) writes:

HL> I have a problem running the script below on FreeBSD. When I run it from the
HL> UNIX prompt it runs fine and it sends a file (bigtextfile) of any size to
HL> the recipient address. Whenever a run the exact same script from a web 
HL> browser as a CGI script it will send only about 17K of the bigfile and not
HL> the whole thing. I tried many different files and all of them get cut off
HL> at around 17K. It seems on other OS this problem does not appear. Any ideas
HL> why this is happening would be appreciated.

Could it be the timeout of the HTTP server?
Do you still get the response ("Mail sent!")?
Anyway I would suggest you put a try except around the server.sendmail and
print an error message if an exception is caught. Also print the response.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at

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