interpreter improvements

Brendan Hahn bhahn at
Fri Jul 27 16:31:19 EDT 2001

Chris Barker <chrishbarker at> wrote:
>Frankly, IO've also bee dissapointed in the MacPython communities
>commitment to cross-platform tools. tkInter works on Windows well
>because Window users have made sure that it does, ditto for wxPython,
>etc. No one in MacPython development is working on those things. 

It isn't fair to hold the MacPython community responsible for this -- the
problems are not so much with Tkinter and wxPython but rather with the
underlying Tk and wxWindows implementations, which both kind of work but
basically suck on the Mac.  Even with a good Tk or wxWindows library, the
differences in interface paradigm, event models, etc, make it very hard to
get  the kind of application a Mac developer wants from these systems, so
work goes into the "native" interface stuff like W and the W-based IDE. 
Unfortunately the relative smallness of the Mac community means these tools
are not as highly developed as Tk- and wx-stuff.

bhahn at   <-- unmangle address to reply

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