Python 2 times slower than Perl

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Jul 18 07:26:05 EDT 2001

Roman Suzi wrote:
> Purely on subject:
> it is great Python is ONLY 2 times slower than Perl.
> In my experience, Perl in only 2 times slower than C.
> This makes Python to be only 4 times slower than C. Not bad
> for the _interpreter_.

Nothing like allowing the error in each estimate to

In practice, we've found Python to be somewhere between
30 and 100 times slower than C, clearly depending on the
algorithm and without really much effort to optimize.
(That is, our Python code could probably withstand
some significant optimization, if we cared to.)

Four times slower is, I think, unlikely without
significant optimization effort (or even then).

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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