web interface to c program running on different server

Heiko Wundram heikowu at ceosg.de
Tue Jul 17 06:19:55 EDT 2001

Just a suggestion:

On server X with the libs start up a Python HTTPServer derived object that 
reads a query, sends it to a wrapper library (written using some Python2C 
Glue), which in turn sends the request to the library, which returns the 
result to the wrapper, which returns the result to the HTTPServer derived 
class, which packages the data in a network format.

On Client Y you have a script that generates an HTTP-Access to Server X 
(using e.g. urllib), and awaits the answer, unpacks the result, and 
displays it.

That would be my way of implementing it.

Does this help?

See ya!

        Heiko W.

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