Javascript + Python...

Jim jim at
Wed Jul 18 11:58:32 EDT 2001

Vincent A. Primavera <vincent_a_primavera at> wrote in
<mailman.995037983.15466.python-list at>: 

> Hello,
>      Does anyone know if there are ways to have JavaScript(client
>      side...) 
> "communicate" with Python(server side...) via variables(environmental?)
> etc...?
>      Thank you,
>      Vincent A. Primavera

Well I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but here's something I did the 
other day.

I have an javaScript event load a new Image while passing a slide # to the 

function addslide(id) {
	now = new Date();
	var a = new Image()
	a.src = "/presentations/browse/addslide.asp?newslide=" + id + "&now=" 
+ now.getTime()
	a = null

This way I can tell the server to store information from the webpage by the 
user simply clicking a checkbox or image or any other javascript event.

This idea could be modified to get information back to the page as well, you 
could create a frame or open an invisible window and get data from the 
server and use Javascript to do something with it on the page without 

Note that above the now param is needed to stop caching.

Hope this helped,


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