Some Python (Monty) Perspective (was Re: Language change and code breaks)

Tim Randolph timothyrandolph at
Wed Jul 25 12:05:55 EDT 2001

"Guido van Rossum" <guido at> wrote in message
news:cpofq9a858.fsf at

> But never mind, I'm giving up on making *Python* case-insensitive.
> The hostility of the user community is frightening.

I have been saddened by the handful of posters to this forum over the last
few days who have made the division issue into a personal, emotional affair.

Guido van Rossum has done so much good so freely for computer programmers,
that I can't see the "MDFL"  references and "Bad Leadership" subject lines
as anything but rank, immature ingratitude.

It is obvious that he only has the good of the language at heart.  It is
also obvious that he is one of the best language designers that our young
art has ever seen.  It is not as much appreciated how carefully he listens
to both reasoned arguments, and knee-jerk reactions about the language. He
earned the BDFL role, but he has not taken that as permission to be

I, for one, would like to thank him for all the work he has done for the
language and its community.  I really do feel gratitude (almost) every time
I first see the >>>.

And now for something completely different:

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