pb with xmlrpclib

Alexandre Fayolle alf at leo.logilab.fr
Fri Jul 6 09:27:16 EDT 2001


I'm using python 2.1 and the latest release of xmlrpclib from pythonware.

If I use the default server, the following call causes  an error on the server:

from xmlrpclib import *

server = Server("http://localhost:8000")

print server

    print server.echo('\231')
except Error, v:
    print "ERROR", v

Is this a bug in xmlrpc or in the underlying xmllib ?
Alexandre Fayolle
LOGILAB, Paris (France).
http://www.logilab.com   http://www.logilab.fr  http://www.logilab.org
Narval, the first software agent available as free software (GPL).

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