webbrowser-module - how to reload? (on win32 w/ IE5)

Thomas Korb Doc at goodweb.de
Fri Jul 13 15:09:30 EDT 2001

Hi! I am using the standard webbrowser-module to open HTML-files plat-
form independent (Linux & Win32). On Linux, everything works just fine.
On Windows (Win98 w/ IE5.0) the following problem occurs:

- I open a HTML-file [webbrowser.open(filename)];
- my Python script changes the HTML-file and saves it;
- I open the *same* HTML-file again (as above) ...

  ... and now I have to hit the RELOAD-button (F5) of IE in order to 
  see the changes whiche were made to the file!!!

Q: Is there a way to tell IE to reload the file automatically???

I do not need configuration tips for IE but a way to tell IE to reload
('refresh') a HTML-page using Python! I also do not want to use things
like  webbrowser.open_new() etc.  Everything should happen in the same
IE window. I also do not want to use Netscape (on Windows) etc. etc.

Thanks in advance for any hints!

-----------------  Dr. Thomas Korb  -  G O O D W E B . D E s i g n  ---
-----------------  DOMAIN: www.goodweb.de / E-MAIL: Doc at goodweb.de  ---

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