backslash woes........

Martin Franklin martin.franklin at
Tue Jul 10 05:15:46 EDT 2001

Hi all,

I am having trouble with windows path names (i'm a UNIX'ite)
I want to replace the common prefix of a list of file names
with a relative stub (./) I have this...

    def _removePrefix(self, fullfile):
        print r'%s' %fullfile
        filename=re.sub(r'%s' %self.prefix, r'%s' %os.sep, r'%s' %fullfile)
        print filename
        return filename

Where fullfile is the - full filename...
and self.prefix is the os.commonprefix()

Currently I get an error:-

traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python21\lib\lib-tk\", line 1285, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "r:\src\python\squeeze\dev\", line 161, in Finish
    Squeeze(platFileList, open(filename, 'w'), self.prefix_or_path.get(),
  File "r:\src\python\squeeze\dev\", line 58, in __init__
  File "r:\src\python\squeeze\dev\", line 137, in _apply
    file = self._removePrefix(fullfile)
  File "r:\src\python\squeeze\dev\", line 151, in _removePrefix
    filename=re.sub(r'%s' %self.prefix, r'%s' %os.sep, r'%s' %fullfile)
  File "c:\python21\lib\", line 63, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, 0).sub(repl, string, count)
  File "c:\python21\lib\", line 136, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
error: bogus escape: '\\x'

I don't understand this as I am (trying) to use raw strings everywhere.....
(that's what the DOC's told me to do...)

'Course on UNIX it all works perfectly well with or without the raw strings;-)

Hope _you_ can help


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