Augmented Assignement (was: Re: PEP scepticism)

Steve Holden sholden at
Mon Jul 2 12:44:05 EDT 2001

"Courageous" <jkraska1 at> wrote in message
news:fr81ktskiqe8guj9b241qd9mtq1324bfkd at
> >> x += (1,2,3)  ... is not the same as...  x=x+(1,2,3)
> >> That's just plain wrong.
> >No, that's the *whole intent* of the thing.
> Intent involves what people were thinking when they asked for it.
> I have a strong feeling that you are quite wrong about this.
I agree. The interpreter's current behavior is, as was explained to me in
some detail when I made similar complaints (*before* the PEP was
implemented, but after it was approved, and so therefore too late to do
anything but waste time :-( ) exactly what was intended.

Besides which, for a tuple x then x += (1,2,3) is, *exactly*, the same as x
= x+(1,2,3), since both involve a rebinding of the name x to a new tuple
containing three additional elements. Previous references to the original
tuple will still point to it, unchanged.

It's mutable types whose behavior can differ. Unless I'm being incredibly

and-it-wouldn't-be-the-first-time-if-i-were'ly y'rs  - steve

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