'import' error in csh

Jerry Olup jerry.olup at gd-es.com
Thu Jul 12 09:44:29 EDT 2001

Howdy all,

I am using py 1.5.2 on sunos 5.6. 

When I run this code (snip below) from csh, I get the following
   import: command not found 
   badly placed ()'s

When I run the code from the interpreter, however, it runs just fine.
   >>> import xilcorelib

Any ideas?  I searched the group and found a '97 thread (Strange
import error ... how?), but no conclusions therein.

# !/usr/bin/local/python
import re, string, os  # regexp, string handling, system calls

# xilinx core library parse script.
#  ... other drivel

# file opening and sizing.
compfile = open('vhdl_analyze_order', 'r');
outfile  = open('xilinxcorelib_comp.tcl', 'w')
list_lines = compfile.readlines()
linecount = len(list_lines)

Thanks much,

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