Tkinter and printf in C ...

Chyr-Pyng Su cpsu at
Mon Jul 9 01:41:04 EDT 2001

> OK, I was running a little too fast. The "self" in the code I showed you
> referred to the object whose class implementation I had extracted the code
> from, so you all you need to know is that is was the parent of the
> Pmw.ScrolledText object in which I was rendering text.
> Suppose that the error message returned by the wrapped C function has been
> stored in st. To create a Text widget in a separate top-level window and
> display the message in it, you would do (something like: warning, untested):
>         msgWindow = Toplevel(height=350, width=500)
>         msgWindow.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
>         msgWindow.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
>         t = Text(msgWindow)
>         grid(t, row=0, column=0, sticky=N+E+W+S)
>         t.insert(END, st)
> I have here assumed that like most Tkinter programmers you have used "from
> Tkinter import *", and that you are using (or are prepared to use) the grid
> geometry management.
> Does this make it any clearer?
> regards
>  Steve
> --

 :>  I know 'self', but the question is 'index' .  The following code segment
is what I really
interesting. That is, how to catch the message that transfer from wrapped c

strmes =
        message = mimecntl.MIME_document(strmes)
        for hdr in ("from", "date", "subject", "to", "cc"):
                 hdrline = message[hdr]
                 t.insert(END, "%s:     %s\n" %
             except KeyError:

>From my experiment, Using Pmw package to write my GUI, the dumped message from
will popup a error message dialog, but this won't happen when I implement GUI
in original Tkinter package.  Could you explain the MsgSet.. MIME_document...
these functions..
or tell me where to find related document that describe those mechanism, so
that I can study
it. I can't find these stuff in Pmw or Tkinter document... :p


 Ĭ«ù¥­   Su, Chyr-Pyng                               o888o V o888o
 VLSI Design, Testing and Fault Tolerance Lab.       o8 ~__   __  8o
 EE. National Tsing Hau Univ. Taiwan                 88o   ooo   o88
                                                        o 8^ ^8 o
 E-Mail: cpsu at                    /- 88_____88 -\
 WWW:            _\   qioip   /_

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