Newbie Radiobutton question

Rick Olson r_olson at
Tue Jul 3 23:01:20 EDT 2001


I'm trying to run the following from IDLE:

from Tkinter import *




Radiobutton(root, text='a',value=1,variable=x).pack(anchor=W)

Radiobutton(root, text='b',value=2,variable=x).pack(anchor=W)

With Red Hat Linux (Python 1.5.2, IDLE .4) it runs fine the first
time.  I get the window and the second radio button is selected.  If I
close the window and try to run it again by immediately clicking on F5
the window and buttons appear, but nothing is selected.  If I click on
the buttons they work properly.  Even closing the window with the
program, reopening the file and running won't cause the buttons to be
selected.  I need to close IDLE, and restart it.

With Win2K (Python 1.6.1, IDLE .6) it runs every time.

I'm a linux neophyte, but will figure out how to upgrade whatever is
necessary.  Is this a Python problem, and IDLE problem, a Red Hat
problem or a user problem?   Is there anything else that I am likely
to need to change (e.g. tcl installation)?

Thanks in advance--

Rick Olson

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